Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fishies are finished! I think...

Today we ended our monthly theme with I Can Pray with My Family.  To do this, we "fished" for the things we need to do to be ready for family prayer.  Such as arms folded, gathered together, ect. Each child was able to cast the fishing rod (ruler with a string and magnet) into the "water" (our blue feltboard) and pull out one of the paper fish (with a paper clip taped on it) with the step written on it. 
I dont have any photos of this, because I didn't have my camera and I was flying solo today.  Anywho, as each child caught a "fish" we all did that part.  It was cute and the little ones really loved fishing! Who knew?!

I am now in the process of thinking up what to do next, as far as nursery decoration is concerned.  This time is really hard, as within a month my family might be moving, so I would like to leave my partner/co-leader with something she can just add to or make minor changes to for the holiday season ahead.  I was thinking fir tree/forest. So, that during the Christmas season she can add some snow or shepards or something.   I am still thinking. 

Today's cutest moment has to be this!

Half of the nursery kids, crowded around the window.
 In our schedule we have a block of time that is called "Books and Babies" where they get to 'read' or tell a 'baby' (either a soft baby doll or a stuffed animal) about a book. We sometimes bring a child to the window and open it so they can look outside (aka be distracted either from a parent leaving, settle one down, or just when we need to fill the time.)  This group of nursery kids wanted to show their babies the outside. So, I opened the window for them. 

Showing their babies the outside.
The funny thing about this window is that it looks out into the A/C units and the brick wall the encloses them. So, really it just isn't that exciting unless we see one or two anoles (little lizards) running about or a bird.  But they love it!!

**Generally I do not post photos of the nursery children on a public blog as to protect them and their privacy. However, since it is the back of their heads I figured I was ok!**


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