Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Family A Proclamation to the World

Hey! I know I didn't post last week, but our stake had conference, and honestly, it wasn't a good day.  I went to drop off a couple puzzles I had purchased to discover that some people from the Saturday evening session were let into the nursery, cupboards opened.. and long story short..stuff was damaged and the room a mess.  It was highly upsetting to me. Sadly, I spent most of conference venting/writing a letter to our stake presidency about the problems.  That is all I will say about that, because I don't care to have any of you be struck by lightning. 

Onto today's lesson. While I wasn't able to stay for it (had to take a friend to the airport) my wonderful nursery co-leader took the helm.  She is fanastic! I don't think I say it enough!  Our theme for the month has been families, with that she talked about families and how to love them. The activitiy for the lesson was coloring.  I know, not that original or cool, but wait. I think it was super cute! Just look!!

First, I printed out The Family A Proclmation to the World on vellum. I was very lucky to find some on clearance at Walmart a few months ago. Otherwise this might be costly to some, but that is what the primary budget is for! Ask your Primary Presidency, mine is fanastic and she is okay with most of the stuff I do, and tells me to reimburse my spending. But check with yours before you do, honestly I hardly ever turn in receipts unless it is something big. Just me, okay back on topic!

During the activity, she had the children just color (any design, color, whatever) a blank piece of thick paper (mine was sketching paper, but cardstock or just white copy paper would be perfect too!) Here is the one I quickly did..since I left all the materials with my co-leader.

Once they finished coloring, she glued the pre-printed vellum paper on top of their colored paper. I thought it was cute. What do you think?

At this point, the parents could do whatever they wanted with it. Hang it on the frig, send it to grandparents, frame it.. up to them!

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